Sometimes his intervention comes as a testing of our faith. In trials, we're "thirsty" and longing for satisfaction and to feel better, but he often allows a "drought" and for our "thirsts" and longings to go unsatisfied for a while so he can do a greater work in our lives.
What does it mean for God to test our faith?
It seems that he wants to see whether we'll turn to him in the drought or whether we'll try to find water and satisfaction elsewhere. He wants us to answer the question, "Do I really believe that God is enough, that he satisfies all my thirsts and longings, even and especially as situations continue to prove unsatisfying and disappointing?"
Whatever we believe is what we will act upon. If I really believe God is enough for me, then I will live like it. I won't continually be chasing after other things for satisfaction because my satisfaction and contentment will be found in him.
When I'm looking for satisfaction and contentment outside of God, I will feel like what I have is never enough; BUT if I'm looking for satisfaction and contentment in him, then no matter how my heart has felt - all the discomfort, pain, and longing - those things will be washed away, overpowered by the wave of realization that God is more than enough for me.
"In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength." Isaiah 30:15
"...Those who trust in the Lord will lack no good thing." Psalm 34:10
My family's goinf through one of those difficult droughts at this time. My nine year old's battling cancer. Thanks for this timely post in my life.
Hi, Thanks for your comment. I'm sorry to hear about your child's battle with cancer. I will be praying for your family and for God's miraculous provision during this difficult time.
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